Plant Locations
Now that you have your Areas, Departments and Lines added in Plant Setup we can start to build your Plant Locations.
Building your Plant Locations will take a little planning, so set aside some time and have a good idea of how it should look before you start.
Start by adding your highest level first, here are the steps:
1. Click| Plant | Plant Locations
2. Click New
The Location form will appear
3. Type in the Description
4. Select an Area, Department, Line or Account for this Location
Checking Allow Maintenance will make it possible to charge Maintenance Work Orders directly to the Location.
Food and Beverage Clients can Allow Sanitation Jobs to be charged directly to the Location.
5. Click Update
Your new Location will appear on the Plant Location Tree
To add subordinate levels to PLT, follow these steps:
1. Click New
The Location form will appear
2. Type in the Description
3. Select an Area, Department, Line or Account for this Location
Checking Allow Maintenance will make it possible to charge Maintenance Work Orders directly to the Location.
Food and Beverage Clients can Allow Sanitation Jobs to be charged directly to the Location.
5. Click Update
Your new Location will appear on the Plant Location Tree
Examples of PLT
Here is an example where the Area on the Plant Location tree is Subordinate to the Department.
Here the Area is the Highest Level with Department subordinate