Adding and Deleting Labor Record on a Work Order
Perform the following steps to Add or Delete a Labor Record on a Work Order in the SOMAX Mobile Application
Adding Labor
1. Tap a Work Order to open it
2. Tap the Labor Tab
3. Tap Add
4. Tap the dropdown list to choose the Personnel ID
5. The Start Date is defaulted to today's date
6. Enter the time in the Hours field
Note: Time is added in Hours or fractions of Hours (0.25, 1.00 or 1.25)
7. Tap Add
8. System will display Labor added successfully, Tap OK
Deleting Labor
1. Tap a Work Order to open it
2. Tap the Labor tab
3. Tapnext to the labor record
4. Tap Delete
5. System will display Labor deleted successfully, Tap OK
When completing a Work Order you will not enter your own time for today's date under the Labor tab..