Working with Locations

After a new Location has been added to SOMAX, more detailed information can be added.

Perform the following steps to Add, Edit, Inactivate or Delete a Location

Adding a New Location

    1.  Click| Location

         The Add New Location pop-up will appear

    2.  Select a Department from the dropdown list

         Your Administrator will have access to edit the Department List, see Editing Departments for more information

    3.  Type in the Location ID

         This is an Alphanumeric field. Please do not use any special characters.

    4.  Type in the Name

    5.  Click Add

The Location Detail Page will appear

Detail information may be added to the Detail Page and saved by Clicking Save.

Editing a Location

All fields on the Location Detail Page can be edited with the exception of the Location ID

The Parent dropdown list is built from all of the Locations in the system and can be used to build a Location Tree.

Click Save to save any changes

Adding a Contact to a Location

On the Location Details Page

    1.  Click Contacts

    2.  Click Add

    3.  Type in the Contacts information

    4.  Click Add

Inactivate a Location

On the Location Details Page

    1.  CheckInactive

    2.  Click Save to Inactivate the Location

Delete a Location

On the Location Details Page

    1.  Click Options

    2.  Click Delete

         The Confirm Delete pop-up will appear

    3.  Click Delete to confirm deleting the Location